
How do I use a coupon?

Got a coupon? Great! Follow these steps for easy redemption:

  1. First, you will need to have an account and be logged in. If you don't have an account, follow these steps.

  2. Once you are logged in, you will want to select your desired usage plan in the Usage Plans popup. Make sure you select the plan type (Pro or Organization) that your coupon is eligible for. If you are unsure, please contact us, we'll help you out!

  3. After selecting your plan and hitting the Upgrade button, you will be taken to the checkout page. Click the "Add promotion code" button on the left-hand panel under the pricing details.
  4. Enter in the coupon code and hit "Apply".
  5. Your total should now be updated according to the discount offered by the coupon. You can now proceed to fill in your credit card details and complete the secure transaction, with your discount applied!

Important note: if your coupon is eligible for a free Pro account, you will still need to enter in your credit card information to upgrade your account. Don't worry, your card will not be charged — this is required for authentication purposes.