Changelog (12 February 2025)
New Documents Added
Magisterial documents (+121)
- Visit to the International University of Social Studies in Rome (LUISS) (November 17, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the members of the Federation of Associations of Clergy in Italy (November 16, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the Meeting organized by F.A.T.A. (November 14, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the General Chapter of the Sisters of Saint Elizabeth (November 14, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the Congress organized for the International Diplomatic Academy (November 13, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Address to H.E. Dr Marco Cesar Meira Naslausky, Ambassador of Brazil - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the Plenary of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum" (November 12, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To H.E. Msgr. Fernando Charrier, Bishop of Alexandria (November 10, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the 45th Extraordinary Assembly of the Italian Episcopal Conference (November 9, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To a group of the École Française in Rome (November 9, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Remarks at the end of the recitation of the Rosary (November 7, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Bulgaria on their "ad Limina" visit (November 7, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Ambassador of Colombia accredited to the Holy See (November 7, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Ambassador of Guatemala accredited to the Holy See (November 5, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Remarks at the end of the Concert given on the 20th anniversary of the Pontificate (November 5, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the Conference promoted by the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care (October 31, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Tertiary Capuchin Sisters of the Holy Family (October 31, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue (October 30, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the International Conference for Catholic Charismatic Leaders (October 30, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the pilgrims of the "Across Trust" on the 25th anniversary of their foundation (October 29, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of the Indian Ocean (CEDOI) on their "ad Limina" visit (October 29, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Ambassador of Costa Rica accredited to the Holy See (October 29, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the members of the "John Paul II Foundation" (October 29, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To pilgrims gathered in Rome for recent beatifications and for the 10th anniversary of the Motu Proprio "Ecclesia Dei" (October 26, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for Catholic Education (October 26, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To different groups (October 24, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the new Ambassador of France accredited to the Holy See (October 24, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the new Ambassador of Ireland accredited to the Holy See (October 23, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Message to Card. Fiorenzo Angelini on the occasion of the Second International Conference for research on the Face of Christ (October 23, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the representatives of the Belgian Catholic Journalists (October 23, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Message on the occasion of the Global and Definitive Agreement between Peru and Ecuador (October 23, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- President of the Italian Republic (Quirinale, October 20, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the pilgrims from Belarus (October 17, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre (October 17, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Polish pilgrims on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Pontificate (October 16, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Knights of Columbus (October 15, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery (October 15, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To Mr Diouf, the FAO Director General (October 15, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the new Ambassador of Croatia accredited to the Holy See (October 12, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the German community on the occasion of the canonization of Edith Stein (October 11, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Message to the First Intercontinental Meeting of Youth in Santiago de Chile (October 10, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the congress of UNIAPAC and to the members of the St Vincent de Paul Society (October 10, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the new Ambassador of Slovakia accredited to the Holy See (October 9, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Combonian Missionary Sisters (October 9, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the members of the General Chapter of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines) (October 6, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Apostolic Journey to Croatia: Departure Ceremony (October 4, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Apostolic Journey to Croatia: Meeting with the Ecclesial Movements (October 4, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Apostolic Journey to Croatia: Meeting with the members of the Episcopal Conference of Croatia (October 4, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Apostolic Journey to Croatia: Meeting with the World of Culture (October 3, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Apostolic Journey to Croatia: Meeting with the people of Zagreb (October 2, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Apostolic Journey to Croatia: Welcome Ceremony in Zagreb (October 2, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the members of the Catholic Association of Legatus (October 2, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the Assembly of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches (October 1, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the Congress on Health Pastoral Care (October 1, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Patriarchs of the Eastern Catholic Churches (September 29, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the civil authorities of Castel Gandolfo (September 28, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the pilgrims of Belluno-Feltre (Italy) on the 20th anniversary of the death of Pope Luciani (September 28, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the members of the 31st Wing of the Italian Air Force (September 27, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To H.E. Msgr Giuseppe Pittau, Secretary of the Congregation for Catholic Education (September 26, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Madagascar on their "Ad Limina" visit (September 26, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Capitular Fathers of the Institute of Charity - Rosminians - (September 26, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Cistercensian Abbesses (September 25, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Capitular Fathers of the Missionaries of St Charles - Scalabrinians (September 25, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (September 24, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Pastoral Visit to Chiavari and Brescia: Address to the representatives of the Pastoral Care of the Family of Brescia (September 20, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Pastoral Visit to Chiavari and Brescia: Message to the President of Paul VI Institute (September 20, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Pastoral Visit to Chiavari and Brescia: Welcome Ceremony in Brescia (September 19, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Pastoral Visit to Chiavari and Brescia: Meeting with the Clergy, the Consecrated and Religious People (September 18, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Pastoral Visit to Chiavari and Brescia: Welcome Ceremony in Chiavari (September 18, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conferences of Rwanda on their "ad Limina" visit (September 17, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the pilgrims of the Diocese of St Sebastian of Rio de Janeiro (September 17, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Seminarians of Treviso (September 15, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Bishops of the Czech Republic on their "ad Limina" visit (September 14, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Ambassador of Nicaragua accredited to the Holy See (September 14, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the "International Catholic Conference of Scouting" (September 13, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the Third International Symposium of Benedictine Women (September 11, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the new Ambassador of Bosnia-Herzegovina accredited to the Holy See (September 11, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Bishops of Episcopal Conference of the Republic of Slovakia (September 7, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the new Ambassador of Slovenia accredited to the Holy See (September 7, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the National Assembly of the Italian Catholic Action (September 5, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Remarks on the 1st anniversary of the death of Mother Theresa of Calcutta (September 5, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Bishops of Episcopal Conference of Zimbabwe on their "ad Limina" visit (September 4, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Missionaries of Infinite Love (September 4, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the members of the "United Jewish Appeal Federations of North America" (September 3, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the Annual Plenary Meeting of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (August 28, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Message to Cardinal Edward Cassidy for the Meeting of Prayer in Bucarest (August 26, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Message to the participants in the 19th Meeting for Friendship among Peoples held in Rimini (August 23, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Words at the end of the theatre performance on St Therese of Lisieux (August 23, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy (August 20, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the 8th International Colloquium sponsored by the Institute for Human Sciences of Vienna (Castel Gandolfo, 17 August 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Message to Cardinal Camillo Ruini for the opening of the "Daily Prayer for Italy" in Loreto (August 6, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Holy Mass in suffrage of Paul VI (6 August 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- At the end of the concert of the "Philharmonia Hungarica" (August 2, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Message to the Abbot General of the Olivetans (August 1, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Message to the President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (July, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Faithful at the Castel Gandolfo (July 21, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Spain on their "ad Limina" visit (July 7, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Ambassador of Belgium accredited to the Holy See (July 6, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the President of the Executive Council of "Rádio Popular-Rádio COPE" (July 6, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To a group of Manager Entrepreneurs (July 3, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Spanish Section of the Pontifical Institute "John Paul II" for Studies of Marriage and Family (July 2, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Greeting to the new Metropolitan Archbishops (June 30, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Message to the 3rd International Meeting of Priests in Mexico (June 29, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To a delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (June 28, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the Forum of the Catholic Family Associations of Italy (June 27, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Swiss Guards (June 27, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Members of the "Central Institute of Co-operative Credit Banks (ICCREA)" (June 26, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Apostolic Journey to Austria: Farewell Ceremony (June 21, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Apostolic Journey to Austria: Message to the sick (June 21, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Meeting with the Bishops (June 21, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Apostolic Journey to Austria: Greetings to the Authorities and the Diplomatic Corps (June 20, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- Apostolic Journey to Austria: Welcome Ceremony in Salzburg (June 19, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Netherlands on their "ad Limina" Visit (June 18, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the participants in the 59th Assembly of R.O.A.C.O. (June 16, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- On the 93rd "Katholikentag" organized in Mainz, Germany (June, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the 8th group of Bishops of the United States on their "ad Limina" visit (June 13, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the members of the "Harvard Law School Alumni Association" (June 13, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To Cardinal López Trujillo for the NGOs' Meeting at the Vatican (June 11, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
- To the Bishops of Cuba (June 9, 1998) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)