Magisterium AI


Changelog (03 January 2025)

New Documents Added

Magisterial documents (+110)

  • To the Bishops of Puerto Rico on their ad Limina visit (October 27, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the new Ambassador of Nigeria accredited to the Holy See on occasion of the presentation of Credentials (October 27, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the Pontifical Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migration and Tourism on occasion of their Plenary Assembly (October 25, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Greeting to the faithful of Schwerin during the Holy Mass for pilgrims from the Federal Republic of Germany (October 24, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the faithful from Florence in Rome for the beatification of Niels Stensen (October 23, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the community of the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary (October 22, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the pilgrims in Rome for the beatification of Niels Stensen (October 22, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Salvador on their ad Limina visit (October 21, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Address of John Paul II to His Excellency Mr. Gunnar Schack Larsen, new ambassador of Denmark to the Holy See (October 20, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Honduras on their ad Limina visit (October 20, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the Association "Pro Petri Sedem" in the Hall of the Throne (October 18, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Address of John Paul II to His Excellency Mr. Ferdinando V. de Wilde, new ambassador of Belgium to the Holy See (October 17, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the pilgrims attending the beatification of two Passionist Fathers, Paul VI Hall, Vatican (October 17, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Knights of Columbus in the Hall of the Consistory (October 17, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants at the vigil organised by the Diocese of Rome (October 16, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Polish faithful in Rome for the beatification of Fr. Onorato Koźmiński (October 16, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Capitular Fathers of the congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ (October 14, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Chad on their ad Limina visit (October 14, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Farewell ceremony at the International Airport of Mulhouse-Basel, Strasburg (October 11, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Address of John Paul II during the visit to the European Parliament, Palace of Europe, Strasbourg (France) (October 11, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the Religious of Alsace at the Sanctuary of Mont Sainte-Odile in Strasburg (October 11, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the Diocesan Synod in the Cathedral of Nancy (October 10, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • On occasion of the two thousandth anniversary of the founding of Strasburg (October 9, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the representatives of the Jewish community of Alsace in Strasburg (October 9, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Ecumenical celebration in the Reformed Church of St Thomas in Strasburg (October 9, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the port workers on the banks of the Rhine in Strasburg (October 9, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the European youth in the Stadium of Meinau in Strasburg (October 8, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Address of John Paul II to the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg (France) (October 8, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Welcome ceremony in the International Airport of Entzheim in Strasburg (October 8, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants at the International Missiology Congress held by the Urbanian Pontifical University (October 7, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of faithful from Hungary (October 6, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To relatives and friends of the newly appointed Archbishop Audrys Bačkis (October 6, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the International Theological Commission (October 5, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the pilgrim group from Verona, gathered in Rome for the canonization of Magdalene of Canossa (October 3, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the new Ambassador of Finland to the Holy See (October 3, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the celebrations for the XXVth anniversary of the Slovakian Institute in Rome (October 1, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Cameroon on their ad Limina visit (September 30, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the Congress of the John Paul II Foundation (September 29, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Mexico on their ad Limina visit (September 26, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Address to the ambassador of France, His Excellency Mr. Jean-Bernard Raimond (September 23, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Farewell ceremony at the International Airport of Maputo (September 19, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the priests, religious and sick in the Cathedral of Manzini (September 16, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Farewell ceremony at the Moshoeshoe I Airport in Maseru (September 16, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Address of John Paul II during the visit to the president of the Republic of Mozambique, Joaquim Alberto Chissano, at the "Palácio da Ponta Vermelha" in Maputo (Mozambique) (September 16, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Ecumenical meeting in the Catholic Community Centre of Maseru (September 15, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the youth in Pitso Grounds of Maseru (September 15, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • During the visit to King Moshoeshoe II in the Royal Palace of Maseru (September 15, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with priests, religious and seminarians in the Cathedral of Maseru (September 15, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Address to the members of the Episcopal Conference of Lesotho (September 14, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Farewell ceremony at the International Airport of Gaborone, Botswana (September 14, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Welcome ceremony at the International Airport of Gaborone in Botswana (September 13, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the priests, religious and laity in the Cathedral of Gaborone (September 13, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Farewell ceremony at the International Airport of Harare in Zimbabwe (September 13, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Ecumenical meeting in the Anglican Cathedral of Bulawayo (September 12, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the priests and religious in the Cathedral of Bulawayo (September 12, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Government of Zimbabwe (September 11, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the young people of Zimbabwe at the Glamis Stadium of Harare (September 11, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the representatives of the laity of Zimbabwe (September 11, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Zimbabwe (September 11, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Welcome ceremony at the International Airport of Harare in Zimbabwe (September 10, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • At the closing session of the Second Plenary Assembly of the Interregional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa (IMBISA) (September 10, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the pilots of the 31st Wing of the Italian Force (August 28, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Dominican Bishops on their ad Limina visit (August 27, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the IVth International Congress of Secular Institutes (August 26, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Prayer on the feast of Our Lady of Częstochowa at Castel Gandolfo (August 26, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Cuba on their ad Limina visit (August 25, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Malawi on their ad Limina visit (August 23, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Nicaragua on their ad Limina visit (August 22, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Haiti on their ad Limina visit (August 19, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Radio message to a group of young pilgrims on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Lourdes (August 15, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Greetings to the Swiss Guards and to the Security Guards at Castel Gandolfo (July 31, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Prayer for the victims of the land slide of 1985 in Tesero in Trento (July 17, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the relatives of the victims in the cemetery of Tesero in Trento (July 17, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the youth of the Diocese of Belluno-Feltre in Col Cumano (July 16, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • On the X anniversary of the death of John Paul I in Col Cumano (July 16, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the clergy of Belluno in Col Cumano (July 16, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants of the General Chapter of the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity (July 12, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the General Chapter of the Fathers of the Capuchin Order (July 12, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the General Chapter of the "Giuseppini" of the Murialdo (July 11, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the General Chapter of the "Chierici of San Viatore" (July 11, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • After the concert of Ukrainian music in Paul VI Audience Hall (July 10, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the motorcyclists of the Association "Madonna dei Centauri" (July 8, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a Delegation of the Association of Catholic Journalists from Belgium (July 4, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Official visit of His Highness Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (July 4, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To pilgrims gathered in Rome on occasion of the canonization of Simón De Rojas and of Rose Philippine Duchesne (July 4, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Zimbabwe on their ad Limina visit (July 2, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the Political Bureau of the International Christian Democrats (June 30, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople (June 29, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Address during the public Consistory in Paul VI Hall (June 28, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Consistory for the creation of 24 new cardinals in the Vatican Apostolic Palace (June 28, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Radio-message for the 50th Anniversary of priesthood of Cardinal Ugo Poletti (June 28, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Farewell ceremony at the Innsbruck Airport (June 27, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the youth of Catholic Action on "Children's Day" in the "Ice Stadium" in Innsbruck (June 27, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the ecumenical representatives in the "Christuskirche" in Salzburg (June 26, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the representatives of the world of science and art in the "Festspielhaus" in Salzburg (June 26, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the youth in Saint Mark's Centre in Salzburg (June 26, 988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Austrian Bishops in Salzburg (June 24, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with some survivors of the Mauthausen Concentration Camp, in the vicinity of Linz (June 24, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the representatives of the Jewish communities in the Apostolic Nunciature in Vienna (June 24, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting of John Paul II with the president of the republic and the diplomatic corps at the "Wiener Hofburg", Vienna (June 23, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Welcome ceremony at the Schwechat Airport of Vienna (June 23, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Television message to Austria on the pending journey (June 22, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Inauguration of the exhibition "Imago Mariae" at Palazzo Venezia (June 20, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To pilgrims from France and Spain gathered in Rome for the canonization of 117 Martyrs of Vietnam (June 20, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Uganda on their ad Limina visit (June 20, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of pilgrims from Vietnam (June 19, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • During the official visit of the President of the Republic of the Philippines (June 18, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops (June 17, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Auxiliary Volunteers of the Fire fighting School of Rome-Capannelle (June 17, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants of the annual assembly of the "Reunion of Aid Agencies for the Oriental Churches" (June 16, 1988) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)