Magisterium AI PRO: Access to New “Scholarly Mode” and Organization Admin Features
Introducing Scholarly Browsing Mode
Users (more on that below!) can now choose to prompt the AI to query Scholarly resources in addition to Magisterial resources.
The new Scholarly Browsing Mode incorporates a growing wealth of theological resources (see full list here) including the works of St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, and many other Doctors of the Church, in addition to the existing magisterial resources.
Responses in this mode are based purely on keyword relevance. So, there is no preference made for authoritative document weighting or chronology.
The Scholarly Browsing Mode embraces a diversity of Catholic theological and philosophical thought and so its responses may not reflect contemporary magisterial teaching.
It’s still very early days and we’ll be working with our academic partners to upload more and more content so be sure to check-in on progress via the Changelog regularly. If there is a work you feel we need to prioritize uploading, please feel free to submit a request.

iOS & Android + Desktop Web Apps Available
While we're gearing up to launch our native apps for iOS and Android, you can quickly download and use our web apps on any device. It takes 10 seconds and they work seamlessly! Find the instructions below:
iOS instructions
Android instructions
Desktop instructions

Knowledge Base Growth
Our knowledge base now possesses over 5600 magisterial documents and over 1000 Catholic theological and philosophical works.
Project Vulgate. We’ve launched a project in collaboration with the Pontifical Oriental Institute to build new technology that will allow us to significantly ramp up the digitization process. More to follow on this soon. You can keep abreast of our progress by checking the Changelog.
UI Now Available in More Languages
The user interface for Magisterium AI is now available in the following languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Ukrainian, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, Polish, Russian and Turkish. With more to come shortly!

PRO: Paid Account Launch
We wish we lived in a world where a product like Magisterium AI could remain free to everyone, but alas, the costs of developing and operating an AI platform like this are increasingly becoming prohibitive, especially since experiencing explosive growth. The best problem to have, I know! PRO users will have access to the following benefits:
- Unlimited prompts with full citations
- Access to special tools (plagiarism detection - coming soon!)
- Priority access to new features
We don’t believe in ads or the commoditization of your data, so, we decided to pursue a similar subscription model to ChatGPT, but over 50% cheaper!
Affordability. We’re committed to making this platform affordable/accessible to everyone on Earth. So, we’ve tried to keep the monthly subscription costs as low as possible and we’re working on a sponsorship program that will allow our user community/benefactors to sponsor accounts for those who cannot afford it. More on this soon.
Where’s the money going? Here’s a few things your subscription makes possible:
- Digitization. Working with our academic partners to expand our knowledge base so you have access to a greater breadth of magisterial and scholarly insight.
- Research & development. Improving our AI so its responses are more rational, complete, and useful. In addition to this, we’ll be building new tools and technologies that will greatly increase the capabilities of the platform.
- Operations. Expanding and maintaining the IT infrastructure needed to power this AI.
Stay tuned for more updates on our upcoming partnerships and projects. We appreciate your trust and support—here's to exploring new digital frontiers together!